
My best friend and I got grounded almost ten years ago for making an “inappropriate music video”. I just found it again

Inside China’s Push to Turn Muslim Minorities Into an Army of Workers (how Muji, Uniqlo, Walmart, et al. use forced labor in their supply chain)

I made a custom carpet using maps

Awww [Image]

To have an unlocked window in an interrogation room

Grizzly bears' muscles don't atrophy during hibernation because they produce additional amino acids that stimulate muscle cell growth.

I have a non-political one for you guys

A floating bridge

Cabin in the snow (3840 x 2160]

[Image] It's necessary sometimes..

The Cruiser's launch vehicle.

Nice! It seems like Reddit liked my last post. Lemme check the comments...

TIL the reason that Christmas is celebrated on the 25th December is that Pope Julius I adopted that day as Christ's birthday to appropriate the existing pagan celebration of Sol Invictus that was already celebrated on that day.

my turn

The ultimate relaxo

[Image] Hope

Can’t believe people didn’t know this

This 3D-printed "digital" sundial accurately projects the time onto the ground in a recognisable digital clock style!

It's like this

How all middle aged men take selfies.....

A cute gift hunt for the dogs

Stiggy gets a well earned steak dinner

Great Stop motion set

Views from Baldwin Hill Scenic Overlook!

[OC] Friendlier

Crime Scene, Me, Gingerbread, 2019

To leave a child

Do Not Cross Felicia

Tesla's Neural Net can now identify red and green traffic lights, garbage cans, and detailed road markings

Just JavaScript - an online course that could better prepare you to understand JavaScript by Dan Abramov

PsBattle: This Funky Cop

Yeah we smart bro

Task Managers ... pff...

The arrest of marijuana, ending the war on drugs (1987)


ITAP in Toronto

This sign..

Kinda disgusting

Is it possible to learn this power

Helping Prepare For The Walk

So I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are. - Ram Dass [Image]

A glass and concrete house surrounded by the Brazilian countryside [2400 x 1601]

Flew Right Over Mt. Baldy


The information age

[OC] [1080 X 1350] Took this one while hiking Gulabi Kantha (Uttarakhand, India)

This Christmas tree lighting up

[OC] Number of Knife Emergency Room Visits Per week to US Emergency Rooms

What are your thoughts on a lifted Subaru?
